ANSWER: Advance inclusion for students with disabilities on higher education in Rwanda

“Building Bridges of Inclusion: Empowering Abilities, Embracing Diversity.”

Our client base includes

  • Students with disabilities 
  • Faculty and staff with disabilities 
  • Parents and families of students with disabilities 
  • Prospective students with disabilities 
  • Community members with disabilities

Disability is not inability, we treat all our students equally and we make sure they achieve their Goal


EAUR give equal opportunities to students with disabilities, ensuring they are seamlessly integrated into the wider student  teaching and learning environment. We actively promote their participation in all campus events and activities, fostering an  inclusive environment where diversity is celebrated. This commitment to inclusivity is exemplified by ongoing initiatives such as the Guild Council elections, where students with disabilities are encouraged to engage fully, and even contest positions like the Sports Minister, as demonstrated by a candidate from the Industrial Art and Design program.

These efforts underscore EAUR’s dedication to inclusive education. However, we recognize that there is still work to be done. We are committed to enhancing accessibility through the implementation of the Accessibility support center strategic plan, improving infrastructure, and providing comprehensive special needs education training for staff and students. By collectively championing these initiatives, we strive to ensure that the entire university community is fully aligned with our mission to advance inclusion for students with disabilities in higher education across Rwanda.

The operationalization of  the  Students Accessibility  Support Center will provide equal learning opportunities and accessibility that support:

  1. Students with Disabilities(SWD) who will be using the centre resources daily for a variety of purposes like research, completing assignments/practical work and taking exams etc.
  2. Other Students: for inclusiveness, students without disability shall also use the centre like when they work in groups alongside SWD so as to promote an inclusive and collaborative learning environment.
  3. Academic staff dealing with SWDs: Academic staff teaching SWD shall also be using the centre as they will have the necessary support and accessibility to the resources.
  4. Local communities. Communities with disabilities who are living nearby the campus can as well use the centre for their various needs.
  5. EAUR graduates with disabilityGraduates who have benefited from EAUR and have benefited from resources in the centre during their time as students may still access its facilities for research, job-related tasks, or to stay connected with the campus.
  6. Through mixed learning opportunities, SWDs interact with students without disabilities and teachers through project work9 assignments, group discussions, conversations, etc and this promotes a common sense of belonging and supporting each other so as to advance their careers. Thereby by making EAUR an inclusive learning environment. Disability is not inability, we treat all our students equally and we make sure they achieve their Goal.”


Dr. Patrick Gatsinzi
Director Quality Assurance,
Project Coordinator Answer Project-EAUR

Chebet K Asumani
ICT Officer,
Technical staff EAUR
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DVC Finance & Administration,
Admin & project
Financial Manager
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Dean of students Welfare
ASC Supervisor
Dr. Enock Nyisingize
Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academics Affairs and Research, Project Manager EAUR
Answer Project