Vice Chancellor Prof. Callixte Kabera Left awarding certificates of Appreciation

to the best employee(First Runner Up) of the year 2023-2024 Director of

Finance Mr Ndahayo Elie right

Vice Chancellor Prof. Callixte Kabera Left awarding certificates of Appreciation

Coordinator Mrs Nyiraneza Gladyce right

to the best employee(Second Runner Up) of the year 2023-2024 Teaching


Best performers of 2023 4TH Graduation 1st class Degree

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EAUR Welcomes a newly Appointed Vice Chancellor Prof. KABERA Callixte
at EAUR Nyagatare
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Reading has been placed at forefront in EAUR
teaching and learning process
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Our students have good testimonies to give not only in film school
but in all other schools, at EAUR we say every one deserves a top tier education.
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EAUR takes pride in producing highly-trained individuals in culinary
Art in Hotel and Tourism industry. Knives are sharper, stoves are
hotter, space is tighter, and everything running at a full speed
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Lecturers prepare our full-time Film School students getting a step
closer to their filmmaking dreams and come out to their best.
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Eaur and went ahead to look at the work of different
RDB Visit
At Eaur Art department
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Vice Chancellor’s Welcome and Opening Remark on Answer Project Training and Conference

Dear Answer project partners from:

  1. The University of Macedonia,
  2. The university of Alcante,
  3. Delegates from MINEDUC,
  4. The university of Rwanda,
  5. INES Ruhengeri,
  6. UWEZO Representatives,
  7. EAUR staff and active members of Answer project,
  8. Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,
  9. All protocols observed

Good morning and welcome to East African University Rwanda in Nyagatare Campus.

It is my great honor and privilege to welcome you on this special occasion of Answer project training and conference on disability, co-hosted by East African University Rwanda, Nyagatare campus.

It is truly an honor to see so many individuals gathered here today, and passionate about creating a more inclusive and accessible society for people with disabilities.

As the Vice Chancellor of East African University Rwanda, I am proud to say that we are committed to promoting the diversity in all aspects of our institution. We believe that education is a fundamental right for all, regardless of one’s abilities. We do believe that is our responsibility as a higher Learning institution to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn, grow and succeed. It is in the like manner that our philosophy on inclusive education is driven by the fundamental principal of understanding the disability, not as inability, but as the failure to accept and respect differences. We do our best to consider each student, and the university staff as unique, but also a key team player in achieving our institutional goals of becoming a leading university in quality education, locally, regionally and globally.

This Training and conference serve as a good platform for sharing knowledge, best practices, and innovative approaches to supporting people with disabilities in our respective institutions. This training and conference is also a special occasion for EAUR for making a self-assessment in respect with how far we came from and how far we are to fully mainstream education, the point at which students and staff with disabilities will be able to use fully their potentials and achieve both their academic and career success.

In as much as disability is the widely concern of different communities all around the world, no one can overcome this educational barrier alone. There is a say that stipulates that “Two are better than one” and whoever wish to be faster can go alone, but he or she who wishes to reach far can go with others”. Your presence here at EAUR today marks a very significant unity, collaboration and solidarity in addressing the community’s most vulnerable member’s problems.

Through collaboration with our partners here present, we can work together to address the challenges and barriers that individuals with disabilities face on a daily basis.

I want to take this opportunity to thank first and foremost the Government of Rwanda for a deliberate policy of  building of a more inclusive society. I would also like to thank all of our partners who have joined forces with us to make this event possible. Your dedication and expertise are invaluable assets in collective efforts to advance the rights and opportunities of people with disabilities.  I encourage all of you to actively participate in the discussions, workshops, and networking opportunities that this gathering has to offer. Let us come together, learn from each other, and strategize on how we can create a more inclusive and accessible society for all.

Thank you once again for being here today. Let us make the most of these two events and continue our journey towards a more inclusive learning experience and a better world to live in regardless of both our physical and mental differences not to say disability.

Thank you for your kind attention and listening.

Training on Students with Disabilities and Special needs in Higher Education in Rwanda happening at East African University Rwanda for 3 days.

To all students of the Industrial Art and design Department,

It is with immense pride and gratitude that I extend my heartfelt appreciation to one of our talented students from the Industrial Art department, who graciously gifted a beautiful picture craft to our esteemed Vice Chancellor of East Africa University Rwanda, Nyagatare Campus.

This gesture not only showcases the exceptional talent and creativity nurtured within our university but also embodies the spirit of community and appreciation that we hold dear. Your dedication and hard work in the field of industrial art continue to inspire us all.

Thank you to the entire Industrial Art department for your contributions to our campus culture and for continually striving for excellence. Your artistic endeavors significantly enrich our university experience, and we are incredibly proud of your achievements.

Mugabo David
Guild President
East Africa University Rwanda, Nyagatare Campus


Guild president from right to left  MUGISHA Alex  handing over  to Mugabo David

On 22/05/2024 , East Africa University Rwanda (EAUR) held a significant event—the swearing-in ceremony for the incoming Guild Council Committee. This momentous occasion marked the official handover of responsibilities from the outgoing committee to the newly elected members.

*Presiding Official:*
The ceremony was presided over by the esteemed Vice-Chancellor of EAUR.

The Vice-Chancellor’s presence underscored the importance of the event and the university’s commitment to student leadership and governance.

*Event Highlights:*

❇️. *Opening Remarks:*
The event commenced with opening remarks by the Vice-Chancellor, who emphasized the importance of student leadership in shaping the future of the university. The Vice-Chancellor acknowledged the outgoing committee’s efforts and achievements over the past year.

 *Outgoing Committee Address:*
The outgoing Guild Council Committee, led by Guild president MUGISHA Alex , delivered a heartfelt speech reflecting on their term. They highlighted key accomplishments and challenges faced during their tenure. They expressed gratitude for the support from the university administration, faculty, and fellow students.

❇️ *Swearing-In Ceremony:*
The core of the event was the formal swearing-in of the incoming Guild Council Committee. Each member took an oath of office, pledging to uphold the values and responsibilities entrusted to them. The oaths were administered by the Vice-Chancellor.

❇️. *Handover of Responsibilities:*
In a symbolic gesture, the outgoing committee officially handed over their duties and responsibilities to the new committee. This included the transfer of documents, official insignias, and other pertinent items necessary for the smooth functioning of the council.

❇️. *Incoming Committee Address:*
The newly sworn-in Guild Council Committee, led by guild president Mugabo David , addressed the attendees with a speech outlining their vision and goals for the upcoming term. They expressed their commitment to enhancing student welfare, fostering a vibrant campus life, and working collaboratively with the university administration.

❇️ *Closing Remarks:*
The ceremony concluded with closing remarks from the Vice-Chancellor, who reiterated the university’s support for the new committee and encouraged all students to actively participate in university affairs. The Vice-Chancellor also thanked the outgoing committee for their dedicated service.

❇️ *Conclusion:*
The swearing-in ceremony at East Africa University Rwanda was a significant and well-organized event, demonstrating the university’s dedication to fostering effective student leadership. The transition of responsibilities was carried out smoothly, promising a seamless continuation of student governance.

The new Guild Council Committee now embarks on their journey, with the support and confidence of the entire university community, ready to make a positive impact on campus life.

Participation in the taste of Kigali-Junior Chefs Competition

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